Winterwerft BodyLAB
In den zwei Wochen der Winterwerft begegnen sich auf dem protagon kulturgelände Künstler*innen und Gruppen.
Im Theaterlabor wird zusammen geprobt, und kreiert.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen wir euch hier.
During the two weeks of Winterwerft, artists and groups come together at the protagon kulturgelände.
They rehearse and create together in the theatre lab.
We show you the results here.
It seems that we live in an age where, on one level, home is what is in the centre of the wars, the conflicts, of the cracks running through our societies. And where – on another, deeper, level, we seem to have utterly forgotten about what it means to care for our common home.
What is home, then? For you? For me? For the man in the dirty coat sitting on the ground in front of the shop? For the woman whose family has grown their food on the same soil for countless generations and that is now threatened to make place for a logistics center?
What is home for the salmon that used to journey the same river for millenia and suddenly find themselves facing a concrete dam? For the decorative conifer from North-East China that you planted in your front yard?
And – knowing that there are as many and diverse answers to this question as beings on this planet – is there also an idea of home that might apply to all of us?