A project by

Tanz als Erfahrung am eigenen Leib

The dance workshop invites you to explore the body-body as a work of art of nature using various
methods from dance and somatic bodywork. The ground, as the
common connecting field, stands for the earth in a broader sense. It carries and invites,
the exploration of gravity, to let go, to find support, to take up and give space.
to take up and give space. To sensitize the perception for it, in the
self-awareness and in a collective context is the content of this workshop


Melanie Mölgg (*1977 in Bruneck, IT) is a dance, expression and Montessori teacher, art historian and costume designer. She lives and works in Berlin and Frankfurt am Main. As a student of Araceli Barcenas, founder of the method ‘Danza e teatro delle Origini’ in Florence, she has been influenced by methods of Afro-modern dance and dance theater since 1998. Building on this, she explores sensual perception and the human self in all its diversity. The discovery of inner expression runs like a common thread through her artistic and pedagogical work. Since 2007, she has been expanding her movement repertoire with artists at home and abroad in Afro, modern and contemporary dance, ballet, flamenco, dance theater, Gaga, Butoh, Contact Impro, Authentic Movement, Art Life Process, Dance Ability, Community Dance, Somatic Experiencing, etc. Since 2017, she has increasingly integrated somatic methods into her workshops and her performance.


The workshops are open to everyone.

Please register at workshops@protagon.net. Places are limited!

You will then receive more information about the location and participation.

Participation is on a donation basis. We recommend 8-20€ per workshop hour. If you give more, you enable others to give less.




27. January 2024


11:00 - 14:00