Ecstatic Dance
Loosing Ground – Ecstatic Dance
Let’s celebrate the start of the Winterwerft Festival with an Ecstatic Dance!
Losing the ground under your feet. This is a phrase that has become a new reality, a collective experience in recent years. So how can you surrender to the feeling of falling? To stop holding on with all our might and use the capacity that has been freed up to see and feel where we are?
By dancing, lifting off the ground and grounding together at the same time.
Ecstatic dance has no form or strict movements, it is about following the natural movements of your body in communication with the music and your fellow dancers.
The dance is like a ritual with a guided beginning and a guided end in the group.
Together we embark on a journey with the magical #LIVEMUSIC of the Antagon TheaterAKTion Band and Florian Betz.
What are the 3 principles of ecstatic dance?
- no shoes
- no talking
- no stimulants
2 hours of free dance and a multimedia surprise.
All levels are welcome. Bring comfortable clothes. Leader: Effi Bodensohn
Language: German, English, German Sign Language