A project by


“Corpus Mundi” is an autobiographical narrative that overcomes aesthetic barriers in flowing movements between dance, theater and geography. A performative experience report of an afro-descendent female body that transforms personal experiences into a public performance.

“The door is open… I hear the voice of my ancestors saying: Do not forget that you have to take care of the genes of this world, and bring life to a body that is constantly challenged to break through social constructions. You have only just started to create your own story … ‘”

Concept, choreography and performance: Barbara Luci Carvalho
Video: Jorge Bascuñan
Music: Bernhard Bub and Ruben Wielsch
Light and stage: Barbara Luci Carvalho and Bernhard Bub

a production by antagon theaterAKTion


Language: English, German, Portuguese, Physical Theater, Little Words



03. February 2024

