Earth Healer Gathering, part 1 „Healing Earth“
Live Online Role Play (on Zoom): Earth Healer Gathering, part 1 „Healing Earth“ with beloved guest: our own „Planet Earth“
Enter the Gathering / Komm zum Treffen
Calling all healers, wizards and witches to join the first international Earth Healer Gathering. Your presence is needed, now more than ever. Come as yourself, your fantasy self or your higher self and let’s connect with each other and our inner call to heal our beloved planet.
Part 1: After the opening ritual we will connect with our fellow healers, get to know each other and explore and exchange our experiences, spells and most of all our love for Planet Earth. During this Gathering we will also make a direct Zoom connection with our planet. A life-changing experience!
Practical Details
To attend the gathering, a working version of Zoom is required. Desktop or laptop is preferred, but mobile or tablet will also work. You are invited to come as yourself – or dressed up as your fantasy self. A chance to embody your inner wizard, witch, healer or any other creature that lives in you.
Part 2 is 13 Feb 16:00 – come join us again!
with Richard Schut and Franka Insinger